Cost of Office Cleaning Services in Nairobi Kenya

Cost of Office Cleaning Services in Nairobi Kenya

Seeking to know about the cost of office cleaning services in Nairobi Kenya? Then you have come to the right place. In this article we cover in details how different cleaning companies determine cost, and provide you with accurate office cleaning quotation.

The importance of a clean working environment cannot be stressed enough. First, directly impacts on employee productivity. Second, it provides the first impression to clients and potential clients who visit your offices. When it comes to a company office, location really matters, while cleanliness should definitely not come at the end of that list.

House cleaning services in Nairobi kenya

Significance of a Clean Office Environment

The following benefits will explain why cleanliness is important for workplaces:

  1. Productivity: Provisions for a clean environment can increase the productivity of employees. Cleanliness can help drive motivation and boost the morale of employees thereby creating a feeling of belonging within their organization (One of the easiest ways to encourage this is by placing free standing or wall mounted waste bins around the workplace to make it easy to dispose of waste.
  2. Well-being: Providing a clean work environment helps in maintaining the well-being of employees. In a workplace where litter and waste is disposed of correctly and surfaces are cleaned regularly, employees take fewer days of sick leave, which results in improved overall productivity.
  3. Impression: A clean and tidy business space leaves a good impression on both its employees and its visitors. As such, it is a good idea to maintain hygiene and cleanliness not only indoors but also in any outdoor areas. Companies can purchase outdoor rubbish bins and ashtrays for outdoor and smoking areas.
  4. Cost saving: By maintaining good levels of cleanliness in the workplace, companies can save on cleaning costs and refurbishments, which may become necessary if the premises are not properly maintained.

Office Cleaning Services in Nairobi

Factors that Affect the Cost of Office Cleaning Services

No one wants to be surprised by commercial cleaning prices when they’re searching for a cleaning company to hire, but it’s an unavoidable expense when you own or manage a building.

  • Square Footage

The size of your building and how many rooms you have has the most significant impact on overall costs.

Large buildings need larger cleaning crews, more supplies, and they take more time to clean. Add to that an abundance of rooms, and your costs go up.

Buildings that have fewer rooms and bathrooms are less expensive. It is quick and simple to clean your building if it has an open floor plan without much furniture.

The most expensive buildings to clean are going to have multiple cubicles, more bathrooms, and lots of furniture.

  • Work Volume

Do you have a building that sees a lot of traffic for extended periods throughout the day?

The more traffic your building gets and the more days per week it’s open means you’ll need to get it cleaned more often.

Buildings that are open for business five days a week need to be cleaned five days a week. Your crew should clean nightly before opening the next morning.

Buildings that see a lower amount of traffic need less frequent cleanings and are cheaper to maintain.

Do you need cleaning crews to come in and clean on the weekends? That affects the price as well. It costs more to have your building cleaned on weekends vs. weekdays.

  • Areas that Need Cleaning

How many bathrooms does your building have? Only one or two bathrooms? Or is it a larger building with more restrooms that need to be cleaned?

The sanitation requirements of bathrooms increase the price because they take longer to clean, and they are more of a challenge to clean properly. They have many surfaces that all need thorough attention. Toilet bowls and sinks must be scrubbed and sanitized, floors and possibly walls mopped and washed, and refill the toilet paper and hand towel holders.

Offices with cubicles and high-trafficked floors will require more time and supplies to maintain, but you don’t do your bottom line any favors if you neglect them. Floors that aren’t maintained will quickly deteriorate and will need replacing.

Does your building have multiple windows on different floors? Lots of windows mean a higher cost too.

  • Type of service

The types of floors, walls, and furniture you have determines what kinds of services you are going to need.

Rooms with carpet require different upkeep and different cleaning supplies than rooms with wood or marble flooring. Your marble, stone, and hardwood floors will need routine refinishing and maintenance that carpet or other floor types wouldn’t need. Carpets are a dirt magnet that must be vacuumed daily and cleaned regularly, especially in high-traffic areas.

Cost of office cleaning services in Nairobi Kenya per square foot

Description Price per Square Foot Price per Square meter
Non carpeted offices 4 38
Wall to wall carpeted offices 15 158

Factors to consider when choosing office cleaning company in Nairobi Kenya

We have so many cleaning companies in Kenya. And when it comes to choosing a reputable cleaning services company, there’s both a right way and a wrong way to go about the hiring process. Hiring a professional cleaning services company to do the cleaning is not only about keeping the place spotless or clean.

In today’s day and age, everybody enjoys a clean home. But very few have the time to properly get the job done. If they do, it usually comes at the price of other leisure activities they might have planned for themselves. Honestly, sometimes we all deserve a little break.

For an office setup, managing a cleaning crew is extra work. It is unnecessary headache that falls outside of the purpose of your business.  A distraction you can well do without.

  • Assess your needs.

When it comes to choosing the right commercial cleaning service, make sure you decide what service you will need. Besides, every business has its own cleaning needs and requirements, as some companies may require window washing, while others may produce a great deal of trash. In addition, tech companies have a server room, which needs special care and cleaning. You need to make a list of your company’s cleaning needs and hire a company that can handle all those requirements.

  • Proven Track Record or Reviews

Get references. The best way to get references is to ask friends, family or local businesses who use professional cleaning teams to learn about the quality of service that they provide. This will give you genuine reviews. You can also ask the cleaning company to provide you with direct references from past and current clients.

  • Experience

When hiring a commercial cleaning company, you need to check whether they have years of experience under their belt and are properly trained. Besides, an experienced cleaning company will be comfortable and capable of handling any cleaning issues involved. Moreover, you should also find out how often the cleaners receive training, their certifications, among others.

  • Availability and Reliability

You should be able to rely on the type of cleaning service provided by the company. Your chosen cleaning company should be flexible enough and adapt to your business’s busy schedule. For example, if you agree the cleaning service to be done at a specific time, then the cleaning company should be remain reliable to provide the service in a timely manner, but should be able to work with you on time if there are special circumstances or specific needs at a given time.

  • Cost

High costs don’t guarantee excellent service, just like low costs don’t mean it is necessarily going to be terrible. We recommend calling in a professional to determine what cleaning services you should or should not be paying for. Get the cost of office cleaning services in Nairobi Kenya today! Call us +254 790 525 295 | +254 715 353 113

Office cleaning Service Checklist

  • Dusting the walls, windowsills, ledges, blinds, and bookshelves.
  • Straightening cushions and pillows.
  • Sweeping the floor.
  • Mopping the floor.
  • Vacuuming carpet floors.
  • Clean all glass (windows, mirrors, glass tables, etc.).
  • Emptying the trash and replacing the bag.
  • Sanitizing doorknobs.
  • Sinks scrubbed.
  • Toilets cleaned and disinfected.
  • Replacing toilet paper and paper towels if needed.
  • Cleaning of the breakroom.
  • Cleaning small appliances in the breakroom.
  • Wiping down tables.
  • Sanitizing phones and headsets.
  • Dusting ceiling fans and desks.

You could spend several hours or days comparing prices and reading reviews, but is that really how you want to spend your time? When you request a free quote from  from Titossy Cleaning services, our expert will come for a site survey. The expert will assess your needs and recommend the services your office/building requires. Let him know what your budget limitations are, and he’ll be able to work with you to make sure you get the services you need without going over budget.


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